Project Compassion Second Weekend of Lent

Project Compassion: Bringing Hope to Samoa

In Samoa, climate change is making access to clean water a daily struggle. At one primary school, water shortages forced classes to end early, leaving students without drinking water or proper hygiene. Thanks to Caritas Australia and Caritas Samoa, a 10,000-litre water tank was installed, ensuring over 300 students and teachers have a reliable water source.

This Lent, through Project Compassion, we can make a difference for students like Toefuata'iga. You can support project Compassion through the donation boxes, by scanning the QR code or give online at

Together, let’s Unite Against Poverty and bring hope to those in need..

You can support Project Compassion 2025 through the donation boxes, 
Or by calling: 1800 024 413

Thank you for standing with us, as we Unite Against Poverty this Lent.

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