
Showing posts from October 13, 2024

from Fr Satheesh

Dear Parishioners, In this week’s Gospel we think about the great ones in the reign of God, the ones who exercise authority over others, must be the servants of the rest. Parents, teachers, civil authorities, managers of every kind, pastoral leaders must all be servants, as Jesus was a servant. We will also have to drink from his cup of suffering and be baptised into his death. As we draw close to the one who gave his life as an offering for sin, we will find that the same self-sacrifice is being asked of us. When we struggle with the misfortunes that we face because of our commitment to Jesus, we will have him as an inspiration and a model to follow. He can sympathise with our weaknesses, identify with our suffering. We can draw strength from his example and hope from his kindness. We celebrate the World Mission Sunday on 20 October. This annual celebration gives us a chance to reflect on the importance of mission work for the life of the Church. It reminds us that we are one with th


When we set out to follow Jesus, faithful to the promises that we made at baptism to renounce sin and live lives directed by the Spirit, we normally do so with generosity of heart. However, after we have borne the burdens of this decision and realise some of the implications of our commitment, we begin to wonder if it was worth it. We believe that God will generously bless us. Still, would it be so wrong to hope for a little more, especially if we have made significant sacrifices along the way? Of those to whom much has been given, much will be required in return. The closer we are to Jesus, the more we will be expected to mirror him. The great ones in the reign of God, the ones who exercise authority over others, must be the servants of the rest. Parents, teachers, civil authorities, managers of every kind, pastoral leaders must all be servants, as Jesus was a servant. We will also have to drink from his cup of suffering and be baptised into his death. As we draw close to the one who


We need representatives from all the 3 of our churches communities at our Laudato Si' Action Planning Meeting this coming Sunday 20th October Frenchs Forest Catholic Parish, together with every Catholic Parish and Institution Worldwide, are called by Pope Francis to ‘Hear the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor’ by Implementing A LAUDATO SI ACTION PLAN Please come to a Meeting  WHERE: at St Anthony's, 46 Myoora Road WHEN:   Sunday 20 October at: 10.15am after Mass Click Here to read full Laudato Si text.


Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the celebrations of St Martin’s feast day with Mass and BBQ at St Martin’s Church and Playground - WHEN: Saturday 2nd November at 5:00 pm Please feel welcome to come and enjoy the celebrations. For catering purposes please RSVP using the QR code or write your name on the lists at the back of the churches.

Thank You Deacon Peter

I would like to extend a sincere thank you to Deacon Peter McCulloch for leading the "The Mass Explained" sessions over the past four Wednesdays. Your guidance and insights have deepened our understanding of the beauty and meaning of the Mass. I also want to thank everyone who attended the sessions. Your participation and engagement have enriched our community’s journey of faith. It’s wonderful to see so many eager to learn and grow together. May we continue to live out the lessons we've learned in our daily lives and celebrate the Eucharist with renewed devotion. Fr. Satheesh Antony OSH, PP. See parish Photos on web or scan QR Code  

THANK YOU - Volunteers Dinner

Dear Parish Family, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who attended the Parish's thank you dinner on 11 October 2024. Your presence made the evening truly special, and it was a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community. A special thank you goes to all our volunteers, committee members, our school principals, parish office staff, assistant priests, and the youth group, whose dedication and service keep our parish vibrant and thriving. Your hard work and selflessness do not go unnoticed, and we are deeply grateful for all you do. Let’s continue to support one another in faith and service, and may God bless each of you abundantly. With gratitude, Fr. Satheesh Antony OSH, PP. See parish Photos on web or scan QR Code

Cuppa & Chat

OLGC at 12.00pm on Wednesday 23rd St Martins at 12.30pm on Friday 25th October. BYO sandwich. All are welcome.

Wyvern Music Forestville

Mozart and Schumann Piano Quartets with Adele Ohki and Friends The final concert for the 2024 Wyvern Music Forestville Series will delight classical music lovers, with two favourites of the chamber music repertoire, performed by four seasoned professional Sydney musicians. Mozart's groundbreaking composition, Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, and Schumann's remarkable Piano Quartet in E-flat major elegantly contrast with Frank Bridge's romantic and spirited Phantasy for Piano Quartet. Accomplished violinist Adele Ohki collaborates with eminent musician friends: violist Jacqui Cronin, cellist Paul Stender, and pianist Bradley Gilchrist. When: Sunday 3rd November 2024 at 3:00pm Where: Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church, 9 Currie Rd, Forestville  Tickets: Full:$30 Concession/Students:$20 Children under 16 Free—special $20 offer to OLGC congregation and Parishioners on presentation of this article at the concert Bookings: Enquir


Dear Parish Family, Thank you so much for your incredible generosity and ongoing support! Because of you, our parish continues to thrive and serve the community. As you know, this vibrancy relies on your generosity for which there are now many different ways of giving using modern technology. In recent times we have introduced Tap’n’go machines in our churches. We have now added a new, easy, and secure way to make a contribution to support our parish—through a simple scan of a QR code which is the “SCAN ME” symbol in our parish bulletin . This small code allows you to give a single gift directly from your phone at any time, wherever you may be. All you need to do is open your camera, scan the code and you'll be taken directly to our secure giving page. It’s fast, easy, and helps the parish to continue the great work we’re doing together. Of course, like Tap’n’go, contributions by QR code are a once only gift. If you would like your donation to be regular and automatic, please joi