
Showing posts from September 8, 2024

from Fr Satheesh

Dear Parishioners, Reflecting on this week’s Gospel ‘Each person is called to respond, in his or her heart,’ the Pope says, ‘allowing each one to be illuminated by the light that the Father gives us.’ But this can be challenging. Like Peter, we can easily and reflexively recoil at the idea of a Christ whose mission ‘contrasts with our expectations, with worldly expectations.’ We switch easily from recognition of Christ to rejection of his real mission. The Pope affirms that ‘the profession of faith in Jesus Christ cannot stop at words.’ Our thoughts and words about Jesus must translate into action that is ‘characterised by God’s On Saturday 14 September, we celebrate as 118 Children are confirmed and join us further on their faith journey. Congratulations to all the children who have taken this important step in their faith journey! You have opened your hearts to the Holy Spirit and committed yourselves to living as followers of Christ. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our bishop A


There are several messianic traditions, each one characterising the anointed one of the future in a unique way.  Do we expect a prophetic figure who will enter our world and reform the structures of society, or a strong leader who will overturn these structures and establish a new order?  Are we waiting for a teacher who will transform our minds and hearts, or a judge who will punish us for our infidelities?  Are we expecting someone who will renew the face of the earth, or someone who will come in fire and brimstone to destroy it?  What kind of a messiah do we expect?  For what kind of a change are we preparing ourselves? Jesus seems to overturn our expectations. We look for one who will save us from the predicaments in which we find ourselves, and he comes to us as one who seems to be a victim of his own predicament. God's thinking seems to be the reverse of ours: Those who save their lives, lose them; those who lose their lives, save them; the seed must die before it can bear fr

OSH APPEAL—This Weekend

Dear Parishioners, Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in 1921 our religious society (OSH) was founded in Kerala, India and consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At present our members are working in different parts of the world and since 2004, the Oblates have been representing our ministry in the diocese of Broken Bay. Since 2020, to support the missionary activities of the Oblates of the Sacred Heart (OSH), the diocese of Broken Bay, has graciously granted the members of OSH to hold two special appeals each year in the parishes they are serving. Last September 2023 we had one collection and we didn’t make another, so this year we make our first appeal in the weekend of 14/15 September, 2024. Envelopes are in the pews now for placing on either collection plate during Mass this weekend or next. We are so grateful to you for your valuable generous support in the past years. Your support has greatly helped our mission ministry. To fulfill the mission and charism of our Society

October Month of the Rosary

Rosary Devotion October is the month devoted to the Holy Rosary. The Rosary inspires us to meditate on the mysteries of the lives of Jesus and Mary, it is not just simply about reciting prayers. It involves reflecting on the grace of God.  Praying is a powerful act that lets us develop and strengthen our relationship with God and the Rosary offers the same beautiful reward. By praying the Rosary, we meditate on the events in the life of Jesus Christ and this lets us know God more. How do you plan to celebrate the month of Rosary? What is the significance of the Rosary in your personal life? How did it strengthen you in your walk of faith? Let us celebrate ten days of Rosary Where: at OLGC When: from Tuesday 1st October to Thursday 10th October at 7 PM. All are welcome to come and join the Rosary devotion.

Parish Volunteers - Thank You Dinner

Dear Volunteers and Committee Members, With deep gratitude, I invite you to a special Thank You Dinner in recognition of your dedication and hard work for our Parish community. Date: Friday 11 October 2024 Time: 6 PM for the 6.30 PM Dinner. Venue: OLGC School Hall. Your selfless service and commitment have greatly enriched our Parish life, and this evening is a small gesture of our appreciation for all you do. Please join us for an evening of fellowship, celebration, and gratitude. If you haven't received an email from the parish office please consider it as an invitation and Please RSVP your attendance with any dietary requirements by Monday 30 September 2024 to the Parish office on or 9451 5097. Looking forward to celebrating with you! Fr. Satheesh Antony OSH, PP.

Season of Creation Convocation at St Anthonys this Saturday 14th

Reminder to participants at the Convocation at St Anthonys this Saturday 14th with  key speakers Sally Neaves and Fr Frank Brennan,  to gather at 10am, bring your lunch to share,  your own water bottle and no single use plastic . Thank You. Week 3 Prayer:  GIve us the grace to feel profoundly joined to everything that is.  God of love, show us our place in this world  as channels of your love  for all the creatures of this earth.

The Austin Woodbury Institute

St Thomas Aquinas—The Trinity Austin Woodbury Institute is giving classes on the Trinitarian Theology of St Thomas Aquinas presented by Daniel (Br. Albert Thomas OP) When: 10:30am until 12noon every Thursday morning during school terms from 10:30am until 12noon Where: in the Parish Centre at OLGC. Everyone is welcome to attend to learn more about our Catholic Faith.

The Mass Explained - Class by Deacon Peter McCulloch

Here is a beautiful opportunity for you to understand The Holy Mass. The Second Vatican Council described the Holy Eucharist as the ‘source and the summit’ of the Christian life. Clearly, something profound happens during every Mass. But do we really understand it? Deacon Peter McCulloch has kindly agreed to come and explain the four parts of the Mass to us using plain language.  There will be four sessions over four Wednesdays, starting at 7.30 pm. Weds 25 September – The Introductory Rite Weds 2 October – The Liturgy of the Word Weds 9 October – The Liturgy of the Eucharist Weds 16 October – The Concluding Rite. There’s always something new to learn, so please join us at 7.15 pm for 7.30 pm start, at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 9 Currie Rd, Forestville.  Refreshments will be provided Please confirm your attendance by writing your names on the clipboard at the foyer of the church .