
When we set out to follow Jesus, faithful to the promises that we made at baptism to renounce sin and live lives directed by the Spirit, we normally do so with generosity of heart. However, after we have borne the burdens of this decision and realise some of the implications of our commitment, we begin to wonder if it was worth it. We believe that God will generously bless us. Still, would it be so wrong to hope for a little more, especially if we have made significant sacrifices along the way?

Of those to whom much has been given, much will be required in return. The closer we are to Jesus, the more we will be expected to mirror him. The great ones in the reign of God, the ones who exercise authority over others, must be the servants of the rest. Parents, teachers, civil authorities, managers of every kind, pastoral leaders must all be servants, as Jesus was a servant. We will also have to drink from his cup of suffering and be baptised into his death. As we draw close to the one who gave his life as an offering for sin, we will find that the same self-sacrifice is being asked of us. When we struggle with the misfortunes that we face because of our commitment to Jesus, we will have him as an inspiration and a model to follow. He can sympathise with our weaknesses, identify with our suffering. We can draw strength from his example and hope from his kindness. © Dianne Bergant