Finding Peace and Purpose in Prayer - Mini Retreat at Frenchs Forest

As per our Pastoral plan we give priority for prayer and faith formation this year. So I invite you to join these sessions.
  • How do I fit prayer in?
  • Am I doing it the right way?
  • What is prayer supposed to be like?
  • Is there more for me?
Learn about prayer and experience it in two evening sessions and a mini Saturday retreat.

See how God can use even this little time to show His love and care for us.

When: Tuesday 10th September 7:30-8:30pm
and Tuesday 17th September, 7:30-8:30pm
and Saturday 21st September, 11am-1:30pm
Where: Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 9 Currie Rd, Forestville
Talk by: Cathy Kennedy, (Evangelisation Coordinator, St. Declan's Parish, Sydney).

Fr. Satheesh Ramachanatt OSH