from Fr Satheesh

Dear Parishioners,

The rich young man wanted to be assured of salvation too. He was a good man; an observant Jew and someone Jesus looked on with love. But he was hoping the law would save him. He wanted to be sure of gaining heaven by jumping through the right hoops, at the right time, for the right reasons.

Jesus doesn’t reject the importance of faithful and good living, but he offers the young man a relationship that would make sense of the choices involved in following him. Without a loving relationship with God, who calls us to live the best life we can, the fulfilment of any law, civil or moral. We do not believe in a tyrannical God.

We do believe, however, in a God who makes demands of us, who often challenges us in the places where we are most vulnerable. For the young man, his money was an obstacle. He could not embrace a relationship with Jesus because this would have placed in peril his wealth and the comfort that his many possessions afforded him.

This week I would like to thank Deacon Peter for his insightful and helpful information sessions “The mass explained”, on breaking down parts of the mass. It has been informative and guided us all to understand the mass more deeply. I encourage all those who can to attend the last session on Wednesday 16th.

If you haven't had a chance to check out our revamped website, I encourage you to do so. We now have a QR code available for donations to the parish—details can be found in the bulletin.

On Friday evening we had a thank you dinner for all our wonderful volunteers in our parish. We thank everyone for their dedication and support in volunteering in the parish. Volunteers are the heart of any parish. I thank Ivana Banicevic, Margaret Wood, the social committee and the youth group for organising the dinner.

A heartfelt thank you to all who attended the Rosary Celebration in our Parish and also to those who brought the food to share on the final day of the Rosary. I encourage all to continue praying this beautiful devotion throughout the month.

Additionally, we will celebrate All Souls' Day with a Remembrance Mass on Friday, November 1st , at 7:30 PM in the OLGC church. We look forward to coming together to honour our loved ones.

We invite everyone to our parish celebration for St Martin’s Feast Day celebration on November 2nd. Join us for Mass at 5 PM, followed by a festive sausage sizzle.

Bring your family and friends to celebrate together! More details are available in the bulletin. We look forward to seeing you there!

This weekend, we will hold the Catholic Mission Appeal on October 12th and 13th. Envelopes are on the pews. Your generous support for this appeal is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your continued support and participation in our parish activities.

I extend a warm welcome to all visitors to our churches. Please feel free to come and introduce yourselves when you are at Mass. We look forward to meeting you and sharing in the joy of our parish community.

May God Bless you
Fr Satheesh Antony OSH