Diocesan Safeguarding Awareness Framework

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

In February 2023 I committed the Diocese to an innovative annual Diocesan Safeguarding Awareness Framework. This framework seeks to increase awareness of our own personal and collective ongoing responsibility as a Church community to be vigilant in safeguarding. This is a commitment marked by consistency and constancy.

After consultation and discernment, I have decided that the theme for Safeguarding Awareness for 2024 is The Voice of the Vulnerable with a particular focus on Domestic Family Violence. Our approach to this theme is one of advocacy.

Domestic Family Violence (DFV) often occurs behind the closed doors of the family home, a place which should be reflective of communion in God’s self-sacrificing love. Recent statistics show that 1 in 4 women, and 1 in 8 men, have experienced some form of violence since the age of 15. (see video on link below)

The outcome is that relationships become disfigured to the detriment of the entire family. We cannot remain silent in the face of this difficult reality. Our faith acknowledges the dignity of every human person and teaches us that being open to self-sacrificing love brings about a renewal of relationships. We must be intentional in teaching and mirroring to our children and young people safe, respectful, and life-giving relationships.

In our advocacy of this year’s theme, I commend to you our Diocesan resource, ‘A Catholic response to Domestic Violence’ available at the following link. A calendar of events to support the theme across our Parishes, the Chancery, CatholicCare, and Catholic Schools Broken Bay is also currently being developed and implemented.

I also encourage your engagement in the further aspects of our Diocesan Framework, including our annual Liturgy of Lament (22 October) and national and international markers such as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (15 June), National Child Protection Week (1-7 September) and International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December).

May the light of Easter which never fades, open wide those doors which have become closed and reconfigure our relationships to one another through the sacrificial love of Jesus.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev Anthony Randazzo DD JCL
Bishop of Broken Bay